Thursday, January 24, 2008


Finding Profitable Keywords For Your Google Adsense Campaign

No doubt that Google Adsense has become the number one player in making money on the internet. The latest claim that I saw advertised was an internet marketer that made over $19,000 in one month. What is their secret? It is simply writing articles and building adsense webpages that use high traffic, or even some traffic, that use profitable keywords. Not just any keywords, profitable keywords. You have to find keywords that your customers use and that your competitors do not use. Their are many tools available and this article will cover just a few of them.

WordTracker is the leading keyword research tool. SEO professionals worldwide use this tool to find profitable keywords. Wordtracker's suggestions are based on over 300 million keywords and phrases that people have used over the previous 90 days. (In other words, there is no "guessing" when you use Wordtracker. Everything is based on the keywords millions of people have actually typed into search engines.)

KeywordDiscovery is also a very popular keyword research tool and is a major competitor to Wordtracker. KeywordDiscovery compiles keyword search statistics from over 180 search engines world wide, to create what they call "the most powerful keyword research tool". It has been noted in a number of reviews that Keyword Discovery returns more words that are relevant than Wordtracker, Yahoo's or Google's suggestion tools.

There are many other tools on the internet that are worth mentioning. They can be used to supplement and verify the profitable keywords that you find using the major keyword tools. They include, the Google search tool, Yahoo Overture, SEO20/20, webconfs website keyword suggestions (you put your competitor's website URL in this one to determine the profitable keywords they are using), and many more.

The SEO20/20 search tool is the most valuable for determining monthly traffic for profitable keywords by search engine. It includes information on the Overture bid prices, total monthly search volume, estimated search volume for Google, Yahoo, MSN, Digital Point (WordTracker), and Nichebot, Google trends, Google Traffic Estimator, Google Suggest, Google Sysnonyms, and Adwords Keyword Tool. It also provides you with links to news searches, directories, blog searches, tag searches, thesaurus, dictionary

Leonard Bartholomew, Is An Authority On Developing Home Based Internet Businesses Part Time. Find out more about how to make more money with Google Adsense by finding profitable keywords at Blog95416
Vikky Blog29382

Myspace Networking vs. Creating A Stand Alone Web Site

How do I create a web site? How do I start selling online?

How do I make money using the Internet? Is Internet Marketing Valid? People who know me and know that I'm a web developer and programmer ask me a lot of questions about web sites, web pages, HTML code, CSS, JavaScript code, ASP, PHP, Databases like MS SQL and MySQL.

One question I answer often is: Should I create my own web site or use a "free" site like MySpace? Sometimes instead of MySpace, it's the free web space that comes with their ISP account they're asking about, but the question is really the same.

Establishing a web presence with a professional image requires your own web site and domain name. MySpace is awesome, however it's a social networking tool used to "network" or find people and stay in touch with them. Like most of the tools in your toolkit, it has a function and can be very useful. Use MySpace and other social networks as a marketing resource: to help people discover you or your business and lead them to your main web site.

If you are in business, or a serious amateur or hobbyist, you need your own web site. You can setup profiles on all of the social networking sites like MySpace and use those profiles to direct people to your web site. But you need your own web site and domain name. Each site like MySpace has rules and will sometimes delete accounts, either for breaking the rules, or by mistake. You don't want your only site on the Internet exposed to this kind of risk. In addition, you want to look as professional as you possibly can.

How do I get started? How do I start my own web site? I'll outline the steps.

1) Domain Names: You need to register a domain name. Select a name that is as short as possible and that reflects your site's function. There are sites on the Internet that you can use to help research this. Once you decide on a domain name that's available, you need to pay for it - this is called registering. You can register it for 1 year up to several years. I use for this. They also have a domain spinner tool that can help you find available domain names; you simply enter two words and the tool makes variations and combination of the names and checks their availability.

2) Web Hosting: You need to a place for your web site.

There are a lot of hosting providers you can choose from.

They all work in a similar fashion. You rent space on a web server and bandwidth (traffic to and from the server) by the month for your web site. Prices range from less than $20 per month all the way up to the sky depending on how much space and bandwidth you're using. I can recommend a hosting service if you need help selecting one.

3) Putting the domain name and hosting together: If you registered your domain name with a different service than the hosting provider, you'll have to tell the domain name registrar where your web site is hosted. You do this by telling the registrar the addresses of the "name servers" of the hosting facility. The hosting provider will usually configure your DNS (domain name server) records for you web site on their DNS server and you need to give the name server's address to the registrar of your domain name so that your domain name points to the correct DNS servers. It sounds complicated, but it's really not. If you registered with the same service that you're using for a hosting provider, then this is usually done for you.

4) Create the site: Finally, make your web site. You should spend some time researching popular web sites of the same type as the one you intend to build. This will give you a good idea of what works in that area. One of the keys to being successful in any area is to follow the lead of someone who's already successful. Find some successful sites by doing searches on Google, Yahoo, or MSN and looking at the top sites that are returned. Even if you have no experience making web sites, you can still create a very nice web site. I offer online courses for beginners on how to create web sites - see my info below for the link.

In a few hours you can have a very nice looking, functional web site.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about web sites, social networking sites like MySpace, and how to start your own web site.

Fred Black recommends, Learn How To Make Web Page Scripts and Create Interactive Web Pages.Ethyl Blog58487
Freddie Blog7095

Advertising- Use Stock Nature Photography

Copywriting is the easy part of advertising; all you do is come up with the perfect expressions to express your message with concentration on the benefits to the reader. Aquiring the attention of the reader is the tricky part. A photograph is worth a thousand words when you're goal is inciting interest. Stock nature photography will make the advertisement both attractive and extremely successful.

Advertising is similar to journalism. Sure, your headlines are key. Nevertheless, even the greatest headline and the most outstanding content cant demand attention the way a photo does. For example, grab your local newspaper. When you look the paper, where do your eyes quickly go? They venture to the pictures first. Thats the type of value that stock nature photography brings to your advertisements.

Why would you squander your advertising dollars on an advertisement that may or may not grab attention? Adding a photo of a grand mountain range, a majestic waterfall, a comfortable path in a quiet wood, or any number of awe-inspiring images to gain attention is a great idea for improving the return on investment that you'll experience from your advertisements. It is easy to do, and well worth the effort.

You might unearth some stock nature photography that's related to your industry, like a picture of a horse could be used in an advertisement for tack or livestock feed. However, any type of nature photography will be able to achieve your advertising goals. You have the ability to select something that is interesting to everyone to complete your advertisement, like a butterfly on a bright purple orchid or scenic mountain snapshot. Most people are enthralled by attractive pictures of clouds or cute photographs of puppies or dolphins.

Creators of stock nature photography offer a large assortment of photos. They offer images of various sites including the ocean, mountain ranges and the desert. Photos taken in all four seasons contribute to the selection that reveals the marvels of nature are found in spring, summer, fall and winter. Because they're skilled photographers they make the effort to catch the greatest wonders of nature throughout the year.

The price of stock nature photography is very reasonable when compared to the great rewards it brings. It will attract the attention of the readers which greatly multiplies the worth of your advertisement.

Issuing an advertisement that isnt read is a devastating loss for your business. Take advantage of the assortment of astounding nature photos and enhance the worth of your advertising campaign.

NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.

John Crawley operates a stock nature photography website named and likes to write articles on the subject. Don't miss the Swan pageErika Blog56660
Vanny Blog69142

Low Budget Affiliate Marketing

You want to start an online business, but don't have your own product to sell. But you do have the option of starting with affiliate marketing - selling other peoples' products for a commission. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. In just the last few years, affiliate marketing has become a very powerful force in ecommerce. Everyday, thousands, if not millions, of merchants rely on affiliate marketing to drive their businesses.

So, is online affiliate marketing right for you? Well, you will never know unless you take the necessary steps. If you don't try, then you cannot expect to succeed. Make today the day that you commit to changing the direction of your life. However, like any other business, whether it's online or off line, affiliate marketing cannot guarantee you success unless you work at it.

As with any business start up, and affiliate marketing is no excpetion, you will need to spend some money on the basics to get you started. However, through proper budgeting, your initial outlay can be reduced. So, you need to decide how much money you can afford to invest in your affiliate marketing business. There are some expenses that you will have if you want to be successful and there are others that you can put off until the time that you start earning income from your affiliate products. Some items that you will need to budget for are:

Domain Name. The domain name should relate to the subject and keep your domain name simple and easy to remember. There is quite a span between the low-cost and the high-end cost of domain names. If you shop around, you may even be able to find something less expensive. But make sure it's a well-established company! You don't want to lose your domain name once you have decided on it! You will likely get a better deal if you register your domain name for two or more years in advance. and are both excellent domain providers.

Website Hosting. Web hosting fees will vary dramatically between hosting providers. Set up a comparison chart and write down each company you are considering. Some companies offer rates as low as $2 a month, while others charge over $100. The highest rates don't always translate into the best service. Some of the lower-priced hosts offer a reliable, stable environment that allows your website to be accessed around the clock for years. provide quality hosting at reasonable prices. Shop carefully and if possible avoid free hosting which can be unreliable.

Merchant Account. You dont have to invest thousands of dollars to open a merchant account. Find a merchant account vendor through a local financial institution, like a bank, and discuss the possibilities that will best suit your business and your customers. A merchant account will let you start accepting credit card payments for customer purchases, which will enhance the shopping experience for most customers and earn your company a progressive reputation. Never assume you will have extravagant monthly charges when you open a merchant account. Shop around, ask questions, and compare costs to get the best low cost merchant account available for your business. Your customers will thank you with repeat and additional business.

Software. You will need to track your expenses and income from your affiliate business and the simplist way is to use Miscrosoft Excel or similar program. Seeing your expenses for the whole year is a great way to keep them under control. What is the final total? Does that seem extreme? Remember, this is for an entire year. Keep it in perspective. If you intend to have a real business, you must treat it as a real business.

Advertising. The best marketing tip you will ever hear is to advertise your product or business. In today's market, anyone in business knows that advertising is the backbone to their success. Even with the greatest product on the planet, a product that you know everyone needs and wants, without advertising, it's just an idea going nowhere. Make sure you check out the best ways to advertise your business. It can be a fun, profitable, and easy experience with the right tools.

Education. Ongoing education is going to be extremely important to your affiliate marketing success. You will not have to purchase a lot of educational materials if you don't want to. There are many free resources, such as newsletters, that you can study. Sign up for a few newsletters and use the information to gain experience.

Affiliate marketing can be a a great way to create a business on the internet but you will need to learn and understand the basics before you set off on your online adventure. Choose your affiliate programs carefully and make sure that you get the support and backup from the affiliate program.

Ian Simpson reviews and writes about software and informational products on the internet. Further affiliate business advice can be found at Blog2080
Veradis Blog68806

Marketing Your First Business Part 2 - Marketing Your Site

Now that you have built your site it is time to market it. However before you do this you will need to collect keywords and key phrases for it.

You can do this by using the free download at This tool will give you lots of good methods for collecting basic key words and key phrases for your site. For more keywords and phrases including niche ones you can go to there is a nominal subscription fee. Here are a few ways to promote your website:

1. Search engines-this will be your 1st step in promoting your new website. It can take 4-12 weeks to be included in the Search engines so it is best to do this early. You can get pages of your website included sooner in Google by blogging at and linking back to your website content. Optimize your website or get some help to do this. Use one of your keywords and key phrases and build a page of content around it.

2. Next start a Google Adwords campaign. This is especially useful if you have a niche or specialized market. Read all the information and tutorials that Google has before you make an account. Start with low bids and work up. When done correctly Google Adwords will bring you a good stream of highly targeted visitors. This promotion will bring traffic and often sales within hours to your site.

3. Linking is becoming more important than ever to get a good position in the search engines but there is a right way to do this and a wrong way. Always be sure you are linking to quality relevant sites and never partner with link farms. There are a few different types of linking. These are the most common.

o Exchanging links: Always remember to exchange links with quality websites that are complimentary to your business. o Back links, or sites that are linking in to your website. Encourage others to link to your site by having lots of good content and resources. Do blogs and article distribution to build back links. o Remember to interlink your website pages with anchor links using keywords or phrases.

4. Article distribution. Write or have written articles about your products services and industry and distribute them among online libraries, article banks and publications etc. you can do this manually, which is free but very time consuming. Or by software which will give you a limited range. Or by a good service which will give you more exposure.

This will give you a good start on building and marketing your lead generation site and you will over time gather an increasing number of leads. As you build more traffic to your site and improve your search engine position you will see more leads and gain customers. By this means you will have a solid base to build and develop your business.

Copyright (c) 2006 Christopher T Robinson

Christopher T Robinson is a renowned online marketing author. He is the author of his free ebook "Effectively Marketing Your Home Business 2006", Free Home Business Ebook, and also highly recommends these best selling online tools and software best internet marketing tools Blog9329
Faith Blog31884

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising. However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey. The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

Strive Mazunga is a webmaster and administrator of Internet Marketing Harbour at Visit us for more information at IM Harbour!.Victoria Blog11542
Felicdad Blog18677

Do the Potter...

It seems like inspiration is everywhere when you look for it. Consider my latest source of joy, Harry Potter. I haven't even seen the new movie, only the previews, and was moved to tears. My six year old daughter Emily thought this was rather amusing, as I passed the popcorn.

What struck me as so awesome while watching the preview of Harry Potter, was a line that might not impress a lot of people, but I felt like he was speaking so brilliantly, and clearly, that I had to share it. In the trailer, Harry is trying to rally the other witch and wizard students to help him fight the newest dark enemy. Everyone is afraid. Protesting that they can't. Impossible to do it. And Harry, in all of his Hollywood glory says, "All truly great wizards started as nothing more than we are now. If they can do it, why not US?!" ( Or something very similar. I was so knocked over that I could be hallucinating.)

Meaning, that everyone who is accomplished, enlightened, famous, notorious, self made, etc...all started somewhere. And more often than not, they started on their quest against major obstacles. As a coach, I try encourage clients to imagine, "What if?" What if I COULD go back to college and become a teacher. What if I did take a risk and open my own business? What would it be like to try and run a marathon? As humans, we come up with all sorts of interesting excuses as to why what we profess to be our greatest wish, is impossible. I can't go back to school because I don't have the money. Who am I to think that I could open my own business? Running a marathon would be too hard. My answers: student loan, who are you NOT to open your own business, and so what? I realize that I am simplifying, but you get the picture. You have to start saying SO WHAT to welcome what might be so. (Someone really cool said that I can't remember who.)

Personally, I am working on two books. Occasionally, I'll fall into the trap of listening to some self limiting thoughts like, "Who do you think YOU are to write a book?" But, you know, who am I not to? I have a lot to say. haha And, I am going to "Practice the Potter" and realize that all great authors, before their first book, sat in front of a blank paper or computer screen, and took it one word at a time.

So, over the next week, try and notice when you are putting up your own road blocks. Observe your thoughts and challenge them. They are only thoughts, and you can choose them. Ask yourself, "Who would I be without that thought?" If Harry Potter used his magic wand to eliminate the thought, "I will never be a writer," how would your day/week/year/life be different?

I'd be slaying chapters, dude!

Have a great day!


Copyright (c) 2007 Susan Hyatt

Susan Hyatt is a dynamic life coach, author, speaker, and owner of Ideal Life Design. She is passionate about helping clients create work/life balance, and design their ideal lives. http://www.ideallifedesign.comVitoria Blog61671
Vernice Blog5185

Are You Receiving Your Daily Free Mortgage Marketing Lessons?

Did you know that you have access to a series of free marketing lessons delivered to your postal mailbox and your email inbox every single day of the year? That's right, every day you receive a wealth of valuable marketing information that could improve your mortgage business dramatically.

If you're like most people, you are ignoring this valuable learning opportunity. In fact, you're probably throwing away your junk mail immediately and deleting emails without even looking at what's being offered and how it's offered.

As far as email goes...most of us sign up for mailing lists in order to access information. We understand that the price for that information is giving up an email address. The result is a series of subsequent marketing emails from the person providing the goodies. When we get those emails, we might read them or we might just delete them as we go about our daily business.

Whether it's a direct mail piece or an electronic email delivered to your inbox...what you should be doing is reading each of them very carefully. No, I'm not saying that every product offer you receive deserves your purchase via credit card! Far from it! What I'm arguing is that each of those offers is a free object lesson in marketing.

Read them. Analyze them. What is the person sending them doing right? Is the letter/flier or email a good one or a bad one? Is it effective or does it turn you off? Does it get your attention? Does it make you want to buy? Would it make others want to buy? What can you learn from it?

Pay careful attention to the mailings from successful marketers who are recognized as top performers in their fields. Learn from their direct mail and emails. In many cases, major advertising agencies have put these offers together at a tremendous cost.

I'm not suggesting that you read every piece of spam sent to you, but you should pay close attention to the opt-in mailings you receive. Even if you aren't interested in the product behind the mailing, the text of that copy itself can be extremely valuable to you as a mortgage professional and a marketer.

Everyday I receive over three hundred emails. Many of these are a result of my opt-ins to subscriptions, newsletters, and email courses. Some are just plain spam. I don't use any email filters because they also inadvertently filter out the good emails I want to read. The spammers will always win the battle with programmers that design our email filters. Never do I miss an important email because it was placed in a junk folder somewhere automatically.

I try to handle each email once. It is either deleted immediately or, if it is a result of my opt-in and covers topics like Real Estate, Mortgage and Finance, Internet Marketing, or Customer/Client stuff, I do a speed read and save it using the sender's name as the folder name. I don't save the emails in an Outlook folder...instead; I set up an email folder on an external disc drive and save each in their own file. If the email requires my action, it's flagged and left in the inbox until completed. It's then saved and the original message deleted.

You'll be surprised how quickly you can review your junk mail and email and benefit as a result. Subscribe to as much as you can and read them. You'll learn how to better market your mortgage products, how to refine your advertising copy, and much more. It's a completely free resource that deserves better treatment than a quick trip to the trash can or the delete key!

Tom Domin is the author of "101 Ways to Originate Mortgages" and publisher of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter geared for Mortgage Professionals. Put your mortgage career on the fast track and sign-up for FREE at Frank Blog27482
Viva Blog5244

Are You Forgetting About Marketing?

In the past issues we have discussed how passive income streams can help you make full time salary, without having to work full time. However, for your passive income streams strategy to be successful, you need one element to make that happen. This element is marketing.

Your passive income streams are products that your customers buy. These are teleseminars, ebooks, manuals, lessons, web site memberships and many others. In addition to having great products, however, you also need to get buyers to purchase them. Without buyers you will not have streams of income - you will have products, but no revenue.

This is why it is extremely important to keep working on creating your products, while having a working marketing plan for promoting them. Here are just a few marketing ideas that I have shared with my clients. Use them to turn your products into passive income streams:

- Do market research before creating a new product. All of us have had product ideas that we loved. However, you don't need to love you product - your customers do. If they don't love them, or need it, no one is going to buy them. Save yourself time - do some informal (or formal!) market research before starting a new product. Your research will show whether your product will be the next or whether it is time to move on to the next idea., for example, was a response to many of my clients and potential clients who wanted to participate in online business coaching, but at much lower rates than I charge for one on one training.

- Have a marketing plan in place before the product is ready. Even if your market research shows that your clients need the new product, think how you will promote beyond your clients. Start marketing before the product is ready; this will create the needed buzz to sell more products.

- Keep marketing the product after it is done. Many times a business owner launches a new ebook, sends out a press release, posts about it in the newsletter, and moves on to the next product. Once you have a product, you have put your time into it; now you need to leverage the time spent and promote the product as much as you can. Your clients need to hear about a product 7 times on average, before making a purchase, so keep up your marketing to bring in more sales.

- Learn about more online marketing techniques. Don't use just one online marketing technique to promote your products. Using new and different techniques will help you reach many more potential customers, some of whom will purchase your products.

Without marketing your products are just going to be sitting idle on your web site. Add marketing to turn the products into actual income streams for yourself and your business.

Biana BabinskyFarah Blog58583
Vanni Blog57632

Choosing the Best Web Host for A Content Website

When you build a pure content site, you need to know the workings of the Internet in detail. You must attract free traffic to your site from search engine referrals which is very difficult without extensive experience. Choosing the best web host that can guide you through this process is crucial to your success or failure.

The success of your content website depends on how much traffic you can attract to your site. Your website search engine rank for your keywords will dictate your success or failure. If you are "above the fold" on the first search engine results page for your keywords, you will probably succeed. If you are not "above the fold" on the first page of the search engine results, you are invisible and will probably fail.

If you are not experienced in search engine optimization and you do not know all the steps that it takes to make your site rank high on the search engines, you need the best web host that will guide you through the process and provide the necessary assistance to make your site appear on the first page of the search engines.

The best web host should offer the following services:

1. Fast, reliable hosting
2. Reasonable cost for services provided
3. No initial set up fee
4. Domain registration included in hosting charge
5. Unlimited data transfer
6. Email customer support
7. Telephone customer support
8. Point and click page building
9. Unlimited web pages
10. Assistance in building your web pages to make them search engine friendly
11. Uploading your own web page if desired
12. Automatic submission of each new page or each updated page to the search engines
13. Page templates for your site
14. Customized 404 error pages
15. Assistance in creating Google and Yahoo site maps.
16. Inclusion of a blog site
17. Unlimited email accounts
18. Email forwarding
19. Email domain forwarding
20. Forum where other users offer help and support
21. Point and click custom input form creation tool
22. Unlimited autoresponders
23. Ability to upload XML code for RSS pages
24. Link exchange and link builder
25. eZine publishing tool
26. Email marketing list builder/distribution
27. Reports

a. Search engine ranking report
b. Traffic statistics and analysis
c. Click tracking and analysis
d. Keyword search report for search engines
e. Tracking of search engine spiders

When you find a web host that will provide all these services you should hire it.

To succeed on the Internet, you need all the help you can get. Make certain that your web host can give you that help and all the services are included in the base price.

Many people start a business on the Internet and most fail. The major reason for failure is not selecting the best web host that will help you succeed. You have the chance to make the right decision before you proceed. Make it wisely.

Copyright 2007 John Howe, Inc.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has worked with computers for over 44 years. He is an expert in website creation and web hosting. He has published over 60 articles on the Internet covering diverse topics. His website helps people analyze their needs and match those needs to the best web host. He also publishes an ezine for Internet entrepreneurs.Veronica Blog31078
Fawna Blog99902

Do You Need A Promotion

A promotion does not necessarily mean financial benefits, it also means more responsibility. Before you look to get a promotion on your Job there are certain things you must take into consideration.

First of all, think about your reasons to get a promotion. Can you handle more responsibility? Will the new job be what you want to do? Do you have skills that might benefit the company if they present you a higher position? If you have thought about all these questions, and you are sure you want the promotion, following are some tips that will make your chances or earning a promotion better.

Evaluate yourself; your abilities and skills that give you an edge over your coworkers and fit for getting a promotion. Make sure you have been giving that extra bit to your job, for example working overtime, presenting new ideas, completing your projects/assignments on time. Once you have all the facts right and you think you're ready for a promotion, it is time to show your boss you are. Find the right time and place to talk to your boss. Make sure he isn't under too much stress or too busy when you approach him.

You should take some time and study the company's situation before you go for a promotion. Make sure, the company has enough budgets to provide for your promotion. If you can not get a promotion, the least you can do is ask for more responsibility on your current job. More responsibility means more experience and more respect. You will automatically become a candidate for a promotion if they ever consider it or if a new position opens.

If you are a good employee your chances of getting a promotion are good. Getting a promotion, should not mean a change in attitude. You should continue to work hard and perhaps, even harder than before to cope with the extra responsibility that comes with a promotion. Not getting a promotion should not mean disappointment or change in your attitude towards your job. Consider the possibilities that perhaps, the company could not afford to have promoted you. Also consider that maybe you had not provided enough reason to the company that giving you a promotion could benefit them, and thus work harder on your job.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog11031
Fanchette Blog74294

Automated Big Ticket Internet Home Businesses With 6-Figure Income Potential

I hate to admit it, but I piddled around the internet for four and a half years trying to generate the kind of big income I originally had envisioned for my home business. But like so many well-intentioned home business owners, big success with exciting profit potential eluded me.

Sure, all of my businesses were profitable right from the start, so in that sense, I was successful. But six-figure income potential? Im afraid not.

Then, by sheer luck I discovered automated, internet home businesses that were selling highly-profitable, big ticket items. And what, pray tell, were they selling? Why, something that everybodyincluding myself seemed to be looking for: A highly profitable turnkey home business opportunity!

In the beginning, the price for these automated home businesses seems a bit rich, but what are you being given in return? The potential to make $1,000 to $3,000 per sale! That certainly beats the heck out of selling $29.95 ebooks or trying to empty my garage of unneeded items so that I can sell them on eBay!

But that isnt all. The success potential ratchets up from there, for while you have to refer your first sale up to your sponsor if youre a top tier member, the first sale of each and every person you sell after that is yours to keepas well as each first sale each of these people make as well as each first sale of every person they bring on and on and on infinitum.

People erroneously think of these as pyramid schemes. But after doing some research on the internet, I now realize that automated home business opportunities like these are commonplace and have been around for years. Its just that up until recently, they have offered small ticket, nickel and dime retail products.

With these automated businesses, you not only sell valuable home business how-to materials, but the actual marketing system itself.

Typically you get a state-of-the-art storefront complete with a video that describes the home business opportunity, testimonials, information on the home business and wealth creation productsthings only top-tier internet marketers can afford.

And it doesnt end there. After a prospect requests a call back from your site, they receive a phone call from a team leader who is earning a 6-figure income using the system that can walk your prospect through the home business opportunity.

And what is your job? Getting people to your site. But for some of these automated businesses, even this is an off-the-shelf operation in which you utilize the companys lead generation software, for a small additional charge.

I know from my own experience that the internet is a cruel place to the average home business owner. Its populated by marketeers who are far more savvy than the average home business owner, and they have far deeper pockets.

These big time operators own highly searched keywords and phrases. For everyone else, its a constant daily struggle for good search engine placement, lots of links referring to their sites and on and on and on.

Not here. Because of the powerful and increasing demand for highly profitable home business opportunities and the collective strength of all the business owners who are out marketing these automated systems, the lowly work-at-home business owner finally has some search engine clout!

For more information automated internet home business opportunities, please feel free to visit:

Paul Johnson is a successful internet entrepreneur, who has authored and published numerous self-help ebooks on stocks, real estate and work at home business opportunities. For more information on automated internet home business opportunities, please visit:Fredelia Blog12145
Esmeralda Blog59115

Google AdWords Traffic - 4 Ways To Get It Cheaper

Theres sometimes a lot of hype surrounding how you can get Google AdWords traffic more cheaply. And I know people who have spent a lot of money on a guide from a so-called marketing guru only to discover that the amazing traffic techniques were really not so incredible at all.

Leaving the hype aside, here are four down-to-earth techniques that will enable you to obtain cheaper traffic from almost any of your Google AdWords campaigns.

1. Combine an Increase in Keywords with a Lower Bid

One of the best ways to get more traffic from your Google AdWords campaigns is to add more keyword phrases in conjunction with lowering your pay-per-click bids. By doing this you can end up drive much more traffic through your campaign at a lower price per visitor.

Make sure that the new keyword phrases you add are still very relevant. I bet you can still find plenty more relevant keywords if you think carefully. Many advertisers initially set up a new campaign with a bunch of keywords to test it out, and then they forget to come back later and add more relevant keyword phrases. You can find many more relevant keywords using the free software, Good Keywords, or even Googles own Keyword Tool. I like Good Keywords Phrase Builder as it enables you to build lists of hundreds of keyword phrases in seconds.

2. Use Phrase or Narrow Match

Try using phrase match or narrow match for your keyword phrases. The reason you should try this is that narrower keyword phrases do not always trigger the same minimum bids at AdWords and therefore you can get traffic cheaper.

Often when Ive been unwilling to pay the minimum bid on broad match for a keyword phrase, I have been able to get it showing quickly by using phrase or narrow match.

The best thing about this technique is that your traffic is will be even more targeted because of the matching so it will most likely convert better, and all the time it costs you less than the broad match would have

To add a keyword phrase with phrase matching put quotes around it like this:
keyword phrase

To add a keyword phrase with narrow matching put brackets around it like this:
[keyword phrase]

3. Advertise in Other Countries

North America is an excellent geographical target area for many campaigns, but it also very much more competitive to get traffic when compared to other regions. Try targeting a few other countries that may be interested in your product or service. I can think of one particular campaign where I simply cannot get North American traffic for under $0.05 per click, yet I still get loads of traffic from parts of Europe for $0.01 per click.

4. Use a Keyword Research Tool

If you spend a considerable amount on pay-per-click advertising you should really be using a professional keyword research tool. A good keyword tool like Keyword Elite will enable you to quickly research good keyword phrases that have less competition.

And less competition means you will pay less for your traffic if you bid on those keywords.

There you go. Four ways that you can get more traffic from Google AdWords at a lower cost per click. Try it and watch your advertising campaigns become more profitable.

Daniel Moro has been successfully building online businesses for ten years. Download your free report on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' at http://www.DanielMoro.comVanessa Blog46343
Vicky Blog58033

How a B2B Business Loan Works

A B2B business loan essentially begins with the person who wishes to start their own business or enhance the business that they are now operating. A B2B business loan should start with research as many different interest rates apply, time to do pay back, and of course it is important to be able to renew the loan.

The most requested is the unsecured business loan. Meeting the requirements might pose a pose a problem unless you have a very good credit score of a minimum 680. You must also have a lower debt ratio in order to get a higher loan amount. The B2B business loan for those who are seeking an unsecured loan must have good credit. There are benefits that make it easier for a business to obtain the loan with good credit. The following benefits apply:

NO Collateral is required.
NO Financial statements are required.
No Business plan is required.
Quick approval usually within about 72 hours.
Complete freedom on use of loan proceeds.
For this program you must have a Dun & Bradstreet number, high payday, and comparable credit.
Minimum low 4 daily balances in your business bank account.

The average interest rates will fall between prime +3 prim +9 which depends on your credit and debt ratio. The terms of this type of B2B business loan normally are $1100-$1600 a month per $50,000 financed on a 5 year term dependent on your credit.

We have researched several B2B business loan financial institutions and found that Noble Financial is the leader in obtaining unsecured business loans. They currently have business in all 50 states. Business owners do not have to pledge personal or business assets to receive approval. There will be no liens or UCC filings. Noble Financial boasts that using their facility is a powerful alternative to visiting your local bank. An unsecured business line of credit is an extremely valuable business tool that most business cannot afford to be without. Lines of credit can be renewed indefinitely which is most certainly a tool used by most business owners.
The mid size and large business owner usually has multiple means to secure a business loan with or without any collateral. The smaller business person on the other hand had problems. The problems in the beginning were many as no wanted to risk loaning to a small business. The federal government started offering grants to help but this took a lot of work to get and maintain. Finally, major companies like Visa, MasterCard, and American Express saw the advantage of B2B business loans. These companies already accommodated the consumers with their charge cards. After careful consideration a plan began to help the small business person.

At the heart of commerce is a driving force called MasterCard. MasterCard enabled trade bringing insight into the payment process. B2B Business loans only seemed natural to a unique company like this. Not only would they profit by loaning to the small business person but they could place their charge machine in their business and make money in that manner as well. Today it is noted that MasterCard has business in over 210 countries. They offer rewarding, secure, and convenient payment solutions.

MasterCard developed a unique three-tiered business. The customer is always at the core of the companys strategy. It did not take long before the other charge card companies followed suit making B2B Business loans for small business a lot easier and much more convenient.

The focus became clear customers come first. The company developed a unique team that developed a unique method to provide a single point of contact which unified partnerships for mutual success and data mining capabilities. The first tier was to do with Franchisor. MasterCard through thousands of financial institutions markets a strong portfolio of brands and products worldwide. The B2B business loan for the small business now became very easy to obtain. More people wanted to go into business for themselves. The franchise companies were Maestro, Cirrus, and MasterCard PayPass.

The second part of the tier very important was the processor. MasterCards streamlined and intelligent approach to processing put the company on a worldwide scale in commerce. The speed, integration, and reliability were what the B2B Business loan for small business needed. The third tier provides industry-leading insight to solutions that made payment paying process faster, more seamless, more secure and much easier to track. The B2B business loans finally became easily accessible to the small business man. The process for the business person to get the loan was made simple and not that complicated when applying for the loan. The loan could be partially secured in some cases depending on the business persons credit. For the business person these are exciting times, a great time to go into your own business.

This article has been supplied courtesy of Bill Darken. Bill often writes for B2B Business Factoring. This site is dedicated to supplying the latest news and articles on small business factoring to assist people progressing with information and news. You can also look for small business information at small business answers. Small Business Loans are accessed at, Blog3774
Farrand Blog58224

Four Key Requirements to Profiting with Google Adsense

Google Adsense is no longer a secret. The cat is out of the bag, and thousands of books have been written on how to compromise Google's intellect, and generate ridiculously high profits by placing sponsored links on websites. When Google Adsense was first introduced, not many people knew about it, but the ones who did were reaping the rewards. Some website owners could earn an average income of $2,000 a month of click throughs alone. It wasn't long before everyone put Google ads on their sites, and revenues quickly decreased. Those that were making $5,000 a month were now only making $500 a month. Google became aware of the rising cases of click fraud, and redesigned the entire program. Google began to lower the PR rating of the site, or completely blacklisted them on the Google index altogether. Many people relied month after month for the Google income, and soon realized they needed to find another way to make more, or play Google's game. Google defeated many who played, but one specific gentleman from Britain, cracked the secret to winning the game, and he has allowed for me to share a few of the secrets he uses to make over $20,000 a month from Google alone. He has created several videos, showing the exact steps he takes to generate the revenue from his site. Below are four of the most important things you must do to increase profits with Google Adsense.

1. Although you are advertising companies ads, you don't want to make it look like a blatant ad. You want your ads to blend in with your site. Try to use colors that compliment your site, and make sure you play with the borders. Sometimes borders look like they are part of the site, and some stick out like ads. Every site will be different. If you do have a border, make sure it is close in color or theme with the site.

2. I always place ads in between the main paragraph on every one of my pages. Make sure the colors are the same, and the text needs to be the same size. I never add borders when I do this because the ad will stick out like a soar thumb.

3. Take full advantage of your right to make money on these ads. This means use the maximum amount of ads Google allows on every page. You can use four of the box ads, and 3 of the text ads. Place your ads at the very top of your page, the middle of your main text, both sides of the page, and the very bottom of the page. Remember to make it blend in, and if it doesn't, don't leave it there, consider changing the color, size, or location altogether.

4. Add Pictures to your site next to your Google ads. Remove the border, and place them on top or on side of your ads. I recommend using Google Banner size "728" x "90" and then placing the ads below the picture.

Tip #4 alone will increase your clickthrough rate by over 1400%. Before you go and find pictures, place a "728" x "90" Google ad on your site, and refresh your site a few times to see what the Google ads are related to. Then search online for images related to what the Google text displays. You can go to google and type "royalty free images" and you will find several sites related to what you are searching for. You might want to ad a keyword when searching for images. Perhaps have a site about soccer, and you want soccer images. You can type in "Soccer royalty free images" or "soccer ball royalty free images". I don't remember the exact code you use to add the pictures above the Google ads, but you can watch Michael Cheney's Video's, and see how he earns over $20,000 a month with simple ads on his site. Plus he explains a lot about earning money with ebay, and about a billion other ways to make money. The guy is a real genius, and I would recommend anybody who wants to learn Google Adsense secrets to atleast visit his site, and see what all the hype is about.

Patrick Moore is a website programmer, and SEO expert. He has helped build websites, and has taught many how to make money online using super affiliate techniques. Learn more about Michael Cheney at Vera Blog21442
Fawnia Blog50511

3 Key Ingredients of a Successful MLM Company

Are you about to start a career in MLM?

With the numerous companies out there how are you going to decide which one is the best to join? Dont rely in somebody telling you how great his or her company is. Learn the facts for yourself and avoid a lot of heartache, letdown, and stress by joining the right company for the start.

Did you know that 90% of all start-ups fail within their first year in business? That is not just true of MLM companies, but all companies in all industries. Why does this happen? The answer is simple. They lack capital. Their management doesnt have the necessary expertise. Their idea and/or products arent proprietary. Here are the keys to success that a company absolutely must have before you even think about joining.

Key to Success # 1: Financial Backing

Most companies are going to operate in the red for the first year or so. This means that the company must be able to continue operating despite having slow quarters or even a slow first year. This is only possible if they have strong financial support from investors that believe in the company and its products. This is the main cause for start-up companies falling apart. They get so excited about launching a new idea that they dont get the appropriate capital that is required to operate for that first year or so.

Key to Success # 2: Expertise / Management

A company is only as successful as its management. You want the leaders of your company to have experience in the category that your products fall into as well as MLM. If you have a team of experts from the health industry, for example, that have never worked in a Multi-level Marketing business before, then they are jumping feet first into something they know nothing about and that puts you at serious risk. Dont join a company if the leaders and management dont have expertise in each area of business that they will be operating in.

Key to Success # 3: Proprietary

If you want to be number one in any marketplace and stay there, you have to be one of three things. You have to be first, best, or different. To be first, you have to be the first to market a new product or market a new delivery system of an existing product. A new product is self-explanatory, but let me explain what I mean by a new delivery system. A few years ago, a company introduced these little strips that you place on your tongue and they act the same as if you were to use mouthwash that you keep at your home. This was a new delivery system for mouthwash. It was more convenient, portable, and it created a market for itself. This is the type of thing you need your company to have if you want it to be number one in the long run. To be best isnt completely under you or your companys control. That is because being the best is very subjective. People hardly ever agree that one company, in any marketplace, is the best. One way to help become the best is by being first to market or to market a very unique product that nobody else will market. This is what I mean by being different. If you can find a niche that can be your very own, then you will dominate that market by being different. Obviously, companies will try and copy you if you are being successful, but that is ok. In the Network Marketing industry, there has never been a copy company that has surpassed the original in annual sales.

Now that you are aware of these three simple aspects of successful businesses, you want to start looking for a company that has all three. Obviously, there have been companies that have been successful and sustained constant growth for some period of time that didnt have all three aspects. But they all fail in the long run. You should be looking for the start-up companies that have a very good chance at becoming one of the old, big companies. They say that those that get involved within the first 2-3 years of a company make the largest sums of money in MLM. This is why we are always looking for the next up and coming giant. Start by addressing these three keys to success and go from there. Good luck with your search!

MLM is an emerging industry and will continue to grow in the years to come. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions about the industry. Learn more about this emerging giant, as well as how to be successful for any MLM company at

Bruce DysonFeodora Blog72805
Viole Blog12404

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Choosing a Domain Name for Your Website

One of the first steps in building your website is choosing a domain name. There are several important things to consider when deciding on a domain name for your website.

Following are a few tips to keep in mind when selecting a new domain name:

If possible, opt for a domain name that is easily recognizable and describes your business. This will be helpful when you promote your site.

Keep your domain name as short, simple and easy to remember as possible. The shorter it is, the easier it will be to remember. Although a good number of the short and simple .com domains are likely already taken, you may have the option to purchase a domain with a different extension, like .net or .us.

Your domain name can be 2-63 characters long (excluding the extension), and can contain the characters a-z, 0-9 and '-' (dash). However, domain names cannot begin or end with '-' (dash).

If your first choice is not available, try to utilize synonyms, rearrange the words, add dashes, or use abbreviations or acronyms to find an alternative.

You now have several options to choose from for extensions as well. Following is some information about some of the extensions you can choose from:

.com denotes the word "commercial," and it is an unrestricted global domain name extension. Many businesses prefer a .com domain name because it is a highly recognized symbol for having a business presence on the Internet. However, the number of available .com domain names is shrinking as more and more businesses go online.

.net represents the word "network," and is an unrestricted global domain name extension most commonly used by Internet service providers, Web-hosting companies, or other businesses that are directly involved in the infrastructure of the Internet. Additionally, some businesses choose domain names with a .net extension for their intranet web sites.

.org represents the word "organization," and is an unrestricted global domain name extension that is primarily used for non-commercial sites. However, many commercial entities register the .org extensions corresponding to their .com domain names in order to protect their brands.

.biz is a restricted-use global domain name extension used for business web sites. As a relatively new type of domain, .biz offers a company the opportunity to get the domain name it really wants and enhance its presence on the Web with a domain name that means business.

.info is an unrestricted domain name extension that creates an opportunity to reach a worldwide audience with information about your business and ideas. .info is growing in popularity, but still has many great names available.

.us is a restricted-use country code that may be used by any individual or organization with residence in the United States or its territories, including foreign organizations that do business in the US.

What about .TV, .WS, .FM and .CC?

Although often marketed as such, .TV does not mean television and .WS does not mean web-site or world-site. .TV is the country code extension for Tuvalu a small island country located in the Western Pacific Ocean with a population of approximately 11,000 that gained independence from the UK in 1978. .WS is the country code extension for Samoa. Samoa, also in the Pacific, gained independence from New Zealand in 1962 and has a population of around 180,000.

.FM masquerades as the TLD (top level domain) for radio stations, but is actually the country code for Federated States of Micronesia. .CC is the Internet country code TLD for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory, but has been promoted for international registration as "the next .com".

Teresa Frady is webmaster of several sites including where you can purchase domain names, learn about webhosts, view webmaster related articles, and shop for webmaster products including computers, books, software and more.Vitoria Blog61671
Viola Blog82545

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing - Part 1/2

This is Part 1 of 2

Affiliate Program History

Invented by at the end of 1994 and pioneered by in 1996, "affiliate programs", also known as Associate Programs or Partner Programs, are a simple way for Web sites to generate revenue by directing traffic toward other sites and a great way for the operating site to increase its traffic and revenue.

Because affiliate programs are so convenient and work so well, they have become the industry's dominant method of online Marketing.

There are 4 different kinds of affiliate programs to compensate "Affiliates" (or referring sites) for generating traffic to the Affiliate Program operating Website: Pay-Per-Impression, Pay-Per-Click, Pay-Per-Lead and Pay-Per-Sale.

Pay-Per-Impression (CPM)

Cost-Per-Mil (Mil = 1000) Impressions. Publisher gets from Advertiser $x.xx Amount of money for every 1000 Impressions (Page Views/Displays) of the Ad. The Ad can be Text (AdSense), Banner Image or Rich Media.

The Pay-Per-Impression and Pay-Per-Click Model are not common to be used in Affiliate Marketing anymore. They were used in the Past, but were mostly abandoned due to Fraud and lack of Results.

The CPM (cost-per-impression) compensation Model was revived by Google for Google AdWords in summer 2005. The feature is called "Site-Targeting" in AdWords and allows you to display your Adsense Ad on a specific Website that runs AdSense Ads.

Pay-Per-Click (CPC) Model

Cost-Per-Click. Advertiser pays Publisher $x.xx amount of money, every time a visitor (potential prospect) clicks on the advertiser's Ad. It is irrelevant (for the compensation) how often an Ad is displayed. Commission is only due when the Ad is clicked.

Like the Pay-per-Impression model was the Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Model popular during the dot com boom at the end of the 1990th but was mostly abbandoned by Advertisers for Advertisements on other Websites due to rampart problems with click fraud.

The PPC Model was kept alive by the PPC Search Engine which became later and is now owned by Yahoo! and renamed from "Yahoo Sponsored Search" to Yahoo Search Marketing.

Google launched their PPC Service AdWords in 2000. Ask Jeeves, now simply followed with their PPC Service in 2005 called Ask Sponsored Listings and in 2006 with AdCenter. Other PPC Services are Miva/ and

Contextual Advertising

The big come-back of PPC came when Google launched AdSense in 2003, the birth of contextual Advertising. What is Google AdSense? Here is a quote from Google's History at Google's corporate Website.

Google AdSense: "... offering web sites of all sizes a way to easily generate revenue through placement of highly targeted ads adjacent to their content. Google AdSense technology analyzes the text on any given page and delivers ads that are appropriate and relevant, increasing the usefulness of the page and the likelihood that those viewing it will actually click on the advertising presented there."

Yahoo's Version of AdSense called Yahoo! Publisher Network was launched (beta) in 2005. Microsoft is also working on their own Version of AdSense which is expected to be launched (beta) in 2006.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Classic PPC Search Engine Marketing (Cost-Per-Click (CPC) advertising) is not Affiliate Marketing. It is an entirely different type of Internet Marketing and only has some technical details in common with old PPC/CPC Affiliate Marketing.

Ads are primarily displayed at the Search Engine Search Results Pages (SERPs) next to organic, free, Search Results. Contextual Advertising introduced with Google AdSense is also not Affiliate Marketing since no direct Partnership between the Advertiser who creates and pays for the Ads and the Publisher who displays the Ads on his Website.

This type of Marketing is generally referred to as Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and is often and wrongly mixed up and confused with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) which is about improving the ranking of a Site in the organic, free, SERPs at major Search Engines via technical means and deep understanding of the complicated ranking algorithms used by modern Search Engines.


This is a new compensation model. No official abbreviation exist yet. Advertiser pays publisher a flat $x.xx amount in commission for phone calls received from potential prospects as response to a specific publisher Ad. Recently developed call-tracking technology allows to create a bridge between online and offline Advertising. Pay-Per-Call Advertising is still new and in it's infancy.

Pay-Per-Call Advertising is neither Search Engine Marketing (SEM) nor Affiliate Marketing. It is expected to become the 4th major type of Internet Marketing next to Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization within the next years.

The Affiliate Marketing shifted almost entirely to the Pay-Per-Lead (CPA or CPL) and Pay-Per-Sale Model (CPS) which is also known as Performance Marketing. The paid commission is usually a percentage of the referred sales or a flat dollar amount.

The Pay-Per-Lead (CPA or CPL) Model

Cost-Per-Action or Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA), Cost-per-Lead (CPL). The Advertiser pays the Publisher a flat $x.xx amount in commission if a referred visitor performs a specific action on the Advertisers Site. It could be Actions like filling out a Form, Signing up for a Newsletter or Creating an Account.

The CPA Model is very popular with Online Services like Credit Card Providers, Insurance Services, DVD and Video Game Rental Services and Loans and Mortgages. Due to the usual high flat commission amount is the CPA very attractive for PPC Affiliates that do not have a permanent Website and an established User Base.

Before you consider the CPA Model for you problem, make sure to have mechanisms in place to validate the quality of referred leads. Your program will be vulnerable to become a victim of fraud, affiliates that generate tons of "fake" leads if you do not have anything in place to verify the quality of the produced leads.

The Pay-Per-Sale (CPS) Model

Cost-Per-Sale (CPS). Advertiser pays the publisher a percentage (%) of the Order Amount (Sale) that was created by a customer who was referred by the publisher.

This Model is used by most Online Merchants today.

Here are same basic tips for Advertisers that consider starting an Affiliate Program with CPS Compensation Model:

Do not pay commissions that you end up loosing money on an order. You will gain new customers because of the Affiliate Program, but you will also pay commissions for returning customers.

Shoppers on the internet are more savvy today. Comparison Shopping Sites, Coupon Sites, Cash-Back Shopping and Charity Sites, that make up a large percentage of successful affiliates, are often visited by Shoppers first. See the Affiliate Program also as a Customer Retention Tool.


If your competitors have affiliate programs and you don't, chances are good, that you are loosing a considerable amount of business to them, because the lag of an affiliate program for your site.

If you want to use an Affiliate Program as an Online Merchant for the whole purpose of customer acquisition, consider the CPA Model and pay a flat commission for new customers referrer by affiliates.

Do the math to come up with a Flat Commission that makes it worthwhile for affiliates to promote you. Affiliates are not waiting for you, the next Merchant that has a Program is only one click away.

What you do and what commission you pay is up to you. You can also mix compensation models. The best thing to do is always to check first what your competitors are doing and use their compensation model as reference.

Pay-Per-Sale is by far the most common compensation model. 2/3 to 3/4 of all Affiliate Programs today are Pay-per-Sale Programs. The operating Site only pays "Commission" to their Affiliates for actual Results (a Sale, Sign-up etc.) and not just for promises (Clickthroughs, Banner Impressions).

Carsten Cumbrowski operateds the Internet Marketing and Web Development Resources Portal For Affiliate Marketing Resources visit . If you are new to Affiliate Marketing viist first.Erinn Blog24501
Faye Blog787

Avoid Being Scammed With Work At Home Opportunities

Working at home is something that many people are interested in, but few actually attempt because of the fear that all of these opportunities online are scams. However, there are many legitimate ways to make money online and we are going to outline in this article how you can make money online and protect yourself from being scammed.

Working at home online is expanding rapidly as is the Internet. There are thousands of options for net entrepreneurs who make money through creating web sites, offering web services, or selling products online. The market has expanded rapidly over the past few years as the Internet has grown and there is something that everyone will be interested in and profit from.

What Are Scams

Unfortunately, there are a number of people on the Internet that are out to scam you and take your money without giving you any value or what they promised. This is a real threat that prevents many people from pursuing creating an online business but is one thing that you should not let bother you. The key is to be careful with whom you deal with online and to do your homework before you make a purchase. The key is to identify the scams before you spend any money.

How to Identify the Fraudsters

Identifying the scams is very easy. You just need to make sure you get a number of unbiased reviews on the company or individual you are dealing with. A great way to get this information is to search the web on the company you are looking to make a purchase from and check what other users are saying about them. Make sure you are getting these reviews from an unbiased 3rd party or your information will be incorrect which could lead you directly into a trap. Use Google or Yahoo! to get the information you need quickly and for free.

You should also be sure to check the latest reviews on forums as they are the best place to get multiple reviews quickly.

Identifying scams will only take you a few minutes and could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually. Pretty soon, you will be able to identify the scams and help others save their time and money.

Places to Report Scammers

When you do read about somebody getting scammed or get scammed yourself, get back at the company and protect others by reporting them. You can report them to the FTC, Federal Trade Commission, so that they can deal with the matter legally, but be sure to visit forums and other online communities with users who may be interested in the product that the scammers offer and are subject to their trap to warn them about the scam so that they can save their time and money. After all, others are doing the same thing for you so you might as well return the favor. Reporting the company to the BBB or Better Business Bureau is also a good option. Just be sure to let others know of your experience.

Getting Refund from Scammers

If you do get scammed by scammers, be sure to get your money back. One good thing about online payments is that you do not have to use cash to buy products, but rather, must go through a third party payment gateway such as PayPal or eGold among others. These systems are well aware of the scams and do everything in their power to get the money to its rightful owner. So, if you have been scammed by someone online, be sure to make every attempt to get your money back. Contact your payment gateway support team or credit card issuing bank, tell them about your situation and open a dispute. They will take the time to look into the matter to assure that the rightful owner is awarded the money that they lost.

Legitimate Ways to Find Genuine Work At Home Jobs

There are legitimate ways to make money online, just be sure that you do not fall into any sort of trap. Always deal with reputable companies over other unknown programs and be sure to be very careful in what your purchase and who you purchase it from. To avoid scams, put the time that is required to research the company you are dealing with and be sure to get multiple opinions from multiple unbiased sources so that you can be sure you are not getting scammed. Also, check the BBB, Better Business Bureau, records to get official information about the company you are dealing with. If you are dealing with an individual, be cautious and make sure that they have a good reputation as you will not be able to find many reviews or anything in the BBB or another official resource.

Last but not least - Do your homework and you will be fine in your online endeavors.

Vijaya Kumar is an online business entrepreneur with 5+ years experience. He currently administrates several successful websites including and which provides a scam-free database of online money making opportunities.Fawnia Blog85207
Erinn Blog1774

Keys to Successful Advertising

There are several methods of advertising on the Internet. Some are free, some are low cost, while others are insanely expensive. The first thing you will need to look at is how much you are willing to pay for traffic, and how far your advertising dollar can go.

Lets say you have got a great idea, and your website is now complete. You are ready to open for business but where are your customers? Simple you are going to have to go out and get them. It sounds easy, but advertising can be a pitfall that can cripple many e-businesses.

One of the most effective, and cheapest, methods of advertising is through the use of e-zines. There are thousands, if not millions of e-zines published every single day. The best way to approach e-zines for advertising is to join a couple that fit your product profile and that you find interesting. Most e-zines offer incentives to new businesses signing up, and will even run your ad for free just for subscribing. You can find many e-zines that offer ads for as little as a dollar. It is a fantastic way to reach thousands of people who are already interested in your type of business.

Link exchanges are another free alternative to costly advertising. Be prepared to get lost in the shuffle if you choose a popular site. The best way to make use of this method is by running your own link exchange from your site and offering a free posting in exchange for a link back to your site.

In fact, you can utilize e-zines to promote your product for free, if you can write an informative article. E-zines are desperate for content, and will often offer to publish your article in exchange for a link back to your site. If you go this route, make sure that your article is informative and not just a sales pitch. For example, if your e-business deals with making money from home, an article about how working from home decreases stress would be very well received. Targeted advertising is by far the best way to bring in traffic to your website. By using targeted key words, your customers are not just stumbling into your website. Half the work is already done by the key words. You just need to supply the information. Google Ad Words can be used very effectively as well as other targeted key word companies. Most of these operate on a pay per click basis, so you will need to research your key words and supply the best possible words to ensure a good cost-to-click ratio.

Press releases are a great way to get the word out about your site and possibly create media buzz. While this method is more expensive than the above methods, it has the potential to bring in substantial traffic. Before sending out your release, make sure that it is formatted correctly and contains a powerful first paragraph. News editors are inundated daily and you do not want to get lost in the shuffle.

When writing your press release, it is important to make it news worthy, instead of a plain announcement. Using our example above, if a recent study is released about stress management and working from home, it would be a perfect time to send out a press release that mentions the study and your business. Be prepared to receive phone calls and answer questions if your release is a hit.

You dont necessarily have to wait for an event to happen to send out your release. If all else fails, get creative! There are many ways to tie in your business to current events, all you need is a little imagination.

Copyright © 2006 Lloyd J. Scott

Emmanuel & Lloyd are specialists in Information Technology and have an online business for web templates and designFatima Blog16229
Fernandina Blog31544

Make More Money In Internet Marketing By BURNING Your PhD In English!

You may be thinking that you will be a failure in internet marketing just because your English teacher from high school gave you an F for your bad grammar and simple vocabulary.

And to top it off, your dear teacher probably even said that you will never make it as a writer! Im here to give you hope because you dont need to be all that great in writing to make money online.

Dont let your misconception scare you. To write successfully online, you dont need a PhD in English. A lot of successful internet marketers dont use professional and impressive English in their writing. And they AINT gonna start!

You may be protesting: Yes however, by procuring a transcendent lexicon and capitalizing gargantuan resplendent words will galvanize people

Did you understand that last sentence without spending 10 minutes with a dictionary? Did my big words impress you? Probably not, if I said that to you face to face, you probably thought I was an English obsessed weirdo!

You probably wouldnt bother reading an article that uses those crazy words, unless you are a true masochist. And I can guess only a very small percentage of people enjoy reading something like that (if any).

You probably wouldnt want to check up each individual word, so let me translate. It says: Yes however, by having a great vocabulary and using big fancy words will impress people.

Did you understand that? YES of course its so simple! And Im guessing most people who can read English didnt have to go the dictionary to understand that phrase. Let me explain a simple truth, we make most money by clear communication, not by complex confusion!

The clearer we can get our message through to our internet readers, the easier it is to sell to them and therefore make more money! Thats why you shouldnt use professional and proper English in internet marketing all the time.

Additionally, using relax everyday language with your customers gives off a feeling that they are talking to a real live human being, which works better when communicating through the internet. Dont be some intimidating corporate robot thats totally not relatable to them.

We want to make our writing so simple to understand that 99% of the population will know what we are offering. Forget impressing the 1% of the population that has a huge vocabulary, because they will certainly understand our writing also!

So for those of you that had a hard time getting an A in English class, CONGRATULATIONS! You have an advantage over other internet marketers that are brainwashed into thinking that the best way of writing is to use higher-level English (like me darn it!).

You dont have to break the bad habit of using overly sophisticated English. So now you have no excuse for your sixth grade level English. For those of you who graduated with a PhD in English, CONGRATULATIONS! That shows dedication and commitment.

However, no one will understand you if you continue writing as you did for your more sophisticated colleagues! Tone it down a little when you are working with your internet marketing business.

Why do you think major newspaper write in simple English? And why are the best selling magazines written in simple English?

Yup, youve guessed it. They write in simple English so that more people will understand their content and more people will buy! You can show off your superior English to the few people who actually care.

So if you are guilty of having perfect sophisticated English in your message, re-edit everything so that even the dumbest sixth grader will understand it. Youll have messages that will be clear and more people will understand what the heck you are talking about!

Alan Quan is a certified Internet Coaching Empire coach and specializes in helping people build their own successful internet marketing business. Visit his website at and find out how he can help you to quickly accomplish your goals and boost your internet profits.Fae Blog35743
Frank Blog27482

Search Engine Optimisation With European Languages

Search engine results differ for accented and non-accented characters. Multinational companies often face a dilemma when optimising ( ) their website for target audiences in different countries. Most search engines consider both the accented and non-accented versions of the same word when providing search results. However, the order of the results displayed gets affected by the user's location and settings.

The Official Google Webmaster Central blog recently featured a helpful post about how rank on the search results pages gets adjusted by the algorithm according to visitor settings.

How search results may differ based on accented characters and languages ( )

Language Factors Affecting Search Results

When a visitor searches for words such as 'Rfrence' or 'Tlvision' that can be written both with and without the accents, Google ( ) considers websites with both versions of the word, that is 'Tlvision' and 'Television'. The results delivered will then be ordered according to the visitors settings. The main factors that influence this ranking are:

Browser / system language settings

Google tries to make its search results as relevant as possible to the searchers requirements. Therefore, if the visitor's browser language ( ) is Spanish, the search result pages that are also in Spanish will be considered more relevant and ranked higher.

IP location

Geographical location of the visitor similarly indicates their language preference. Visitors from Italy would therefore see more results in Italian than visitors in Germany for the same search phrase, so long as its means the same.

Search parameters

If a visitor selects the option to display search results only in a particular language, that will display web pages only in the selected language, irrespective of the accentuation, so long as the word means the same with or without the accent.


Visitors with personalised search ( ) enabled will be shown results more relevant to their personalised history. For example, a French searcher in England will still be shown more results in French if he / she is signed in and using Google personalized search.

Optimising For Non-English Languages

When targeting non-english language speakers, the ideal strategy is to develop a fully functional version of the company site ( ) in that language. French, German, Italian and Spanish speakers, for example, are most comfortable reading sites in their native language, and will prefer to deal with companies that have provided information in the language they understand.

However, many businesses do not have the time nor the resources to create multiple versions of their site to target each non-english-speaking customer segment they sell to. There is no straightforward and easy solution in this case. Inclusion of keywords ( ) with accents in ordinary English content will not help significantly.

A relatively non-expensive solution could be to identify a few important keywords and create pages targeting these keywords. The pages should be written fully in the target language. It is also important to support these specially optimised pages ( ) with some general information and function pages from the rest of the site. This is important because even if a French, German or Italian speaker did reach your site via a high ranking listing on Google, they wouldn't be able to use your site if you didn't provide the supporting pages.

Companies looking to market their products and services in other European languages can contact AccuraCast ( ) for more information about our foreign language SEO and multilingual PPC services.

Other articles to read:

A look inside the Google algorithm? ( )

SEO friendly hosting ( )

SEO Weekly ( )

Farhad Divecha is the founding Director of AccuraCast, London's leading search engine marketing agency. He has 7 years experience marketing products and services online and offline. His past projects included managing $80 million PC Card product lines for 3Com, consulting for Household, Proctor & Gamble and numerous other large and small companies in the UK and USA. His experience and vision steered AccuraCast to rank among the top 25 search agencies in the UK (NMA 2006 Marketing Services Guide).Veronika Blog94314
Estelle Blog42448

How NOT to Promote Your Website on Forums

Internet entrepreneurs, work at home moms, network marketers... you're all fed the same hype about how to promote your website, get leads, recruit members or what have you.One of the first things you will be told is to post your ads on forums. Lots.

This article is a guide to proper forum etiquette so that you don't waste your own and many other peoples time.

The first thing you need to know is that forum owners deal with a ton of spam. I could easily spend an hour a day cleaning up spammy posts in the forum and deleting and banning members that don't abide by forum rules. It's unnerving to have to waste my time doing that rather then engaging in conversations on the forum and providing my members with useful information.

So from the forum owner perspective, spam is a very bad thing. On the other hand, to help out forum participants and to try to deter them from spamming every forum in the message boards, most forum owners will provide an advertising forum of some sort where you can post an ad.

If all you are planning to do is post ads on forums, then look for this particular section of a message board. Especially don't post an ad in the introduction section of a forum.

But here is the thing about ads. Nobody really reads them. Your time would be far better spent actually engaging in conversations on the forums you frequent. You will gain the trust and loyalty of the forum population if they get to know you. They will much more likely decide to sign up for a biz op under someone that they talk with in a trusted forum then from some fly by night forum spammers post. Doesn't that make sense?

You will be taught that posting your website link on many forums will help to build your websites backlink popularity which will in turn increase your websites ranking in the search engine results. The truth is, your post is most likely going to be deleted as soon as the forum owner or moderators find it. All you really will have done is wasted your time.

How you can be certain that you will build your backlinks by forum posting is by putting your website link in your signature on a forum and including your signature in your quality posts. The website owner will be happy to have you posting and in turn will be happy to allow you a small advertisement in your signature when posting.

Another trick you might not know is this. If there is a keyword phrase that you would like to rank well for in the search engines, use this as the 'anchor text' in your website link. That means if you want to rank well for a term such as 'ameriplan business opportunity' - then you would type that into your signature and have that link to your website.

Keep a folder of forums in your favorites folder on your browser and spend some time every day going to each of the forums. Make it a goal to leave at least one quality post and a few welcome posts to new members.

Informative and engaging comments, coupled with a well optimized signature will win you far more traffic and prospects in the long run. And you might even pick up a thing or two through your engagement on the forum!

Lori Redfield is a Freelancer and Internet Entrepreneur. Visit her website, for more home business ideas.Fortune Blog64042
Francyne Blog34020

The Simple Way To Start An IT Company

This is for all the idea-geeks out there whove been wanting to launch that brilliant, innovative, new, fresh web 2.0 application, design agency or development company but got stuck where 90% of the people do. Funding.

So heres 5 simple steps that have done magic for our company.

1. Dont be afraid.

Statistics say 90% of the people prefer a smaller but safe income than try something on their own. Statistics also say that 50% of the businesses get flushed out the toilet. So I guess that fear is justified, ha? Well, if you ask me, it isnt. How do you know youre business isnt going to work if you dont start one. Go ahead. Work on your smart idea. Make a business plan. Focus on what you have to do rather than what youd like to do. Compromise.

2. Get money in.

Youd like to invest some money but you dont have them, ha? No problem. Our days, all it takes is a website and a few referrals to get you rolling. Build that nifty presentation website. Print your short and clear business plan. Talk to your parents, friends, colleagues. See if theyre interested in joining you on your new adventure.

After you have some money in, say 500 dollars, start looking for web design clients (people/companies that need websites). You dont know how to build websites? No problem, well get to that part too. Bid on freelancing websites. Post announcements in the newspaper. Do everything you can to get that first client. The rest will follow.

Ok, so after you get that first web design client, how do you build his website? Well, outsourcing. Find a Romanian, Indian, whatever company that will build it, for a lot less money youre going to get from the client, I can assure you. Youll see that the 500 dollars you spend on outsourcing will triple after your first project. Nice, ha?

4. Dont spend what you earn

Working with outsourcing companies brings you a big advantage: you dont have any expenses. No programmers/designers to pay, no office rent, nothing. Just pure profit.

Raise the money for that nifty web 2.0 application or whatever project you want to launch. When you think you have enough, outsource the project. Get the same company that has worked for your clients projects work for you now.

5. And if you only want an IT company that builds websites, creates web, desktop or mobile apps

stick to outsourcing. Get a good western Project Manager that will be the interface between your Company and your Clients. Take advantage of the internet and develop all your projects with Outsourcing Companies. Its the best thing an IT Company can do.

Thats about it. Im sure it doesnt answer all your questions, and its possible that you dont agree with this strategy, but Comments are open

Emi Gal is a young and enthuziastic Romanian entrepreneur, programmer and mathematician. He currently runs Brainient, a software company located in Romania, with representatives in France and UK. For more details check Blog12750
Ester Blog28908
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