Wednesday, January 23, 2008


What's Your Story? (Part 1 in a Series of Yet-to-be-Determined Length)

A friends daughter asked me the other day what it was that I did for a living.

Given that she is 7 years old, my usual answer, I own and run my own marketing communications agency, wasnt cutting it.

I could tell by the blank stare I got in return for that answer.

Considering my audience, trying again I said, I help companies market their products and services so they can sell stuff and make money.

Better she seemed to be considering that.

So how do you do that? she asks.

I create websites and brochures, I write direct mail packages and newsletters and I help my clients get these things in front of their new customers, I said.

So thats all you have to do to get people to buy stuff? she asked me.

Well, no, I said. Its more than just the brochures and websites and stuff.

So what do you really have to do then? she asked.

And about this time I was wondering if all 7 year olds were this curious. I looked pleadingly to her mom, and all I got from her in return was a shrug and her reply, welcome to my world.

You have to put a whole integrated campaign together so that everything makes sense. You have to make sure everything is consistent with the image of the company youre promoting. You have to tell the customer a story, I answered.

You tell stories for a living? she asked, obviously amazed.

And I realized it was true. Yep, I said. Thats what I do. I tell my customers stories to their customers. That, in a nutshell, is what marketings all about.

Cool! she answered.

Of course, marketers didnt invent storytelling we just perfected an art that has been around since time began.

As humans, were all looking for ways to explain the world we see. Early humans noticed things in their environment and invented stories to help understand them.

The sun rising in the East was the Great Sun God smiling upon them. Sickness was a curse brought on by any number of transgressions, and rain could be summoned by dancing in circles.

Weve progressed (some) since that time. But we still all rely on stories every day to explain the world around us. We tell stories to each other, and we tell stories to ourselves.

And because we are used to telling stories to each other, as consumers we expect and demand that marketers tell stories to us about the products and services they promote.

Some marketers tell great stories, and some are pretty bad. But heres the catch no matter how great the story is, if the product or service experience isnt consistent with the story, consumers will turn on you like month-old milk.

Apple Computer is a company who tells a masterful story. Its the key to their success and cult-like customer following.

The famous 1984 ad which aired only once during the Super Bowl in 1983 convinced legions of the faithful that using a Mac was akin to fighting George Orwells big brother and everything evil that he stood for. Their Think Different campaign and every bit of marketing they do reinforces that story.

The fact that Apple makes beautiful, innovative products and cutting-edge software supports the story they tell us. (And yes, its obvious that Ive bought their story!)

On the other hand remember the campaign, This is Not Your Fathers Oldsmobile? Great story. Oldsmobile had an image problem their cars were for old folks so to combat that image they created a campaign aimed right at the heart of the matter.

Too bad the product development people didnt get the message. The campaign was a miserable failure and Oldsmobile went out of business because the cars really were still your fathers Oldsmobile. A story told to a consumer that isnt consistent with the product experience is a story better left untold.

So whats your story?

What promise does your story make to your customers and is that promise upheld by their experiences with your products or services? If it is, consumers will trust you, and theyll listen to your story indefinitely.

© Copyright 2006

Entrepreneur and outdoor photography adventurer Caroline Melberg is President and CEO of Melberg Marketing, Inc., a full-service virtual Marketing Communications Agency. She has over 20 years of experience creating marketing communications materials and writing copy for some of the largest and most successful companies in the world. She publishes the popular ezine, "Blue Chip Tips: The Secrets of Blue Chip Marketing...Revealed!" Get your Free subscription at!Veradis Blog70746
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